Auto follows, unfollows, likes. So they follow and like you back.
You don't have to provide your Instagram username and password. InstAssist doesn't use any of the Instagram API calls and uses only proven safe limits and timeouts.
Use it as you will: safe mode, scheduler, custom timeouts and delays, whitelist, different targeting methods, farming, actions and limits, deep filtering and more...
By using proven targeting algorithms and 15 filtering levels, you're increasing your main actions efficiency excluding bots, spammers and other users not interested in you.
With InstAssist pre-set settings you can easily start your Instagram Automation journey right after installation. Just press START button and watch your profile automation.
It will only take 5 minutes from now to achieve your first results.
With pre-set settings you can easily start your Instagram Automation journey right after installation. Just press blue START button to start your Instagram promotion and watch it automated. Set up targeting and filtering later.
In this video you can see InstAssist in action.
Get a free bonus: Instagram Automation From A to Z eBook.
Save time and money you spend on numerous experiments with different methods of Instagram Marketing and Automation. After reading this book, you will know exactly what techniques to apply.
Autopilot Mode
Manual Mode. Lets you choose YES or NO before main actions performed. As you approve every InstAssist main action, they're in line with your intentions and are meaningful and genuine, so you won't violate any Instagram Policy.
Autopilot Mode. Lets you choose YES or NO before main actions with YES by default within 3 seconds. Note that if you're not regularly observing InstAssist actions while using autopilot mode, you may violate Instagram Policy. But they won't know.
InstAssist is great in attracting new customers to your business easily and in autopilot mode.
Bring an InstAssist customer and get 50% every month customer renews membership. Learn more.
Offer your own Instagram Assistant / Promotion Service and automate it easily with InstAssist.
For Mobile
For Desktop
Get more customers by interacting with more people. The more people you interact with, the more money you make.
Get more followers by drawing attention to your Instagram. The more interactions you make, the more people know you.
Get more fans by reaching out to more people. The more people you reach, the more will know about your creation.
Get more awareness by drawing attention and interacting with people. The more you attract, the more will know about you.
If your conversion rate is just 1% and you get just $5 per customer, with $15/month InstAssist Pro making you 2500 followers per month you can earn: 2500 followers * 1% * $5 = $125. ROI = ($125-$15)*100/$15 = 733%.
If your CR is 3% and you get $30 per customer, you will earn 2500 * 3% * $30 = $2250. ROI = 14900%.
Free, Mini, Pro and Expert versions differ in number of simultaneously working instances.
Go to the membership area. Make a purchase and get your license key. Also, you'll be notified by email.
In membership area download the Browser Extension and install it by following the instructions.
With pre-set settings you can easily start your Instagram Automation right after installation. Set up later.
30 days free trial
If you use this simple funnel and your goal is to get followers, after your account warmed up, you are guaranteed to get up to 20 followers daily, 500 followers monthly, 6000 followers yearly per profile.
InstAssist setup that’s bringing 6330 followers yearly.
Main Settings: next targeting method: after 20 Main Actions; start at 02:15, stop at 14:15; pause for 15 minutes every 30 minutes; main Actions timeout: from 30 to 60 seconds; opening Actions timeout: from 15 to 30 seconds
Targeting: 14 Accounts with 20000-100000 followers; 9 Hashtags with 300k-20m post; design niche
Daily Actions: ~100 follows, ~100 unfollows and ~120 post likes
Users Filtering: 0-1000 posts; 0-1500 followers; 0-1500 following; minimum followers/following ratio = 2; online 0-48 hours; User has profile pic; not verified; no link in BIO; not following/follower; not filtered; untouched; stop words: sale, shop, buy, discount, follow, link, bio, click, visit
InstAssist setup that’s bringing 5671 followers yearly:
Main Settings: next targeting method: after 18 Main Actions; start at 12:20, stop at 02:20; pause for 10 minutes every 20 minutes; main actions timeout: from 30 to 60 seconds; opening actions timeout: from 15 to 30 seconds
Targeting: 19 Accounts with 50000-120000 followers; 12 Hashtags with 2-30 million post; dog niche
Daily Actions: ~110 follows, ~90 unfollows and ~110 post likes
Users Filtering: 0-1000 posts; 0-2000 followers; 0-2000 following; minimum followers/following ratio = 2; online 0-48 hours; User has profile pic; not verified; no link in BIO; not following/follower; not filtered; untouched; stop words: sale, shop, buy, discount, follow, link, bio, click, visit
Bring a customer and get 50% each month customer renews membership. 10% fee goes to Gumroad as a payment provider. 90% are split 50-50 with us.
Simple math. If you bring a customer who will pay for InstAssist Pro $15 each month for entire year, you will get $15*90%/2*12month = $95,4 LTV per customer.
Not bad?
On this page you can see how to set up InstAssist and use it's full potential.
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